Privacy is the Ultimate Luxury


June 15, 2022

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Welcome to my journal for sharing wedding inspiration, behind the scenes and photography tips. 
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I'm Kristy May

Over the years, requests for privacy, not sharing identifiable images of a wedding publicly online or in social media, have increased. I’ve had appeals ranging from, “Due to my job as a CEO, diplomat, law enforcement officer, etc.” to, “We’re just private people,” and most concerning, “I have a stalker.”

Whatever the reason may be, it is the opposite of what the popular trend in weddings has been. Seemingly, everyone wants to have their wedding as content for (insert favorite publication of the moment: Martha Stewart, The Knot, Brides, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, etc). Some couples will even design it in ways that make their wedding more attractive to publishers. 

And that is totally fine. I love looking at photos of beautiful weddings and to get a glimpse of places I wasn’t invited to. It can be thrilling. There are even sponsored weddings (like Courtney Kardashian’s), designed as a marketing exercise as much as a wedding. There must be no doubt that those in the images have given permission and even delight in being featured. 

But what if having your images and that of your guests for all to see makes you uneasy? In a world where privacy is diminishing, keeping your day private is a valid option, or even, the ultimate luxury. One must actually be present, or invited, to even get a glimpse. 

I’m giving my couples control in deciding how their images are shared publicly. Many do not want their images online for all to see. Therefore, to view images on my website, one must inquire for private access to select galleries.